INVESTMENTIR information

Stock information

The status of the shares issued by the Company is shown below.

Matters concerning stocks

(As of March 31, 2024)

Total number of issuable shares
Total number of issued shares
Number of shareholders
3,311 people

Major shareholder(As of March 31, 2024)

* This table can be scrolled horizontally.

Shareholder name Number of shares owned (shares) Shareholding ratio (%)*
Techno Smart Business Partner Shareholding Association 1,504,700 12.22
S.I.L. Inc. 1,082,400 8.79
Hikari Tsushin K.K. 928,000 7.53
The Master Trust Bank of Japan, Ltd. (Trust Account) 571,900 4.64
Tachibana Securities Co., Ltd. 496,000 4.03
UH Partners 2, Inc. 411,800 3.34
Goldman Sachs International 372,500 3.02
Shiga Bank, Ltd. 321,875 2.61
Tsubakimoto Kogyo Co., Ltd. 278,250 2.26
Pershing-Div. of DLJ Secs. Corp. 268,300 2.18
*Excluding treasury stock

Stock memo (Securities code 6246)

Fiscal year
From April 1st to March 31st of the following year
Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders
Reference date
Dividend of surplus Term end March 31 Intermediate September 30
Number of shares constituting one unit
Shareholder registry administrator
1-4-5 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation
The office handling place
3-6-3 Fushimimachi, Chuo-ku, Osaka 541-8502 Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Co., Ltd. Osaka Securities Agency Department Telephone 0120-094-777 (toll free)

Please note

  1. Change of shareholder’s address, request for purchase of shares less than one unit, etc. For procedures, in principle, please contact the account management institution (securities company, etc.) where the account is opened. For various procedures related to the shares recorded in the special account, please contact the account management organization of the special account below.
  2. Dividends that have not been received will be paid by the above-mentioned shareholder registry administrator.
Account management organization for special accounts
3-6-3 Fushimimachi, Chuo-ku, Osaka 541-8502 Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Co., Ltd. Osaka Securities Agency Department Telephone 0120-094-777 (toll free)
Purchase fee
Amount separately determined as the amount equivalent to the commission related to the consignment of stock trading
Notification method
Electronic public notice However, if it is not possible to make an electronic public notice due to an accident or other unavoidable reason, the public notice will be published in the Nihon Keizai Shimbun.
Benefits for shareholders

Please feel free to contact us for consultations and estimates.
