Project story
- Discourse of members who have participated in a large-scale project -

Contributing to advanced technology with the latest coating and drying equipment

We offer coating and floating technologies widely by making use of various products such as high-performance coating machines and dryers.
Each product is custom made. We deal with everything you need such as equipment design, manufacturing, assembly, installation, and test run. We are a manufacturer providing the attractiveness of manufacturing by making each product from scratch to its completion with our skilled craftsmanship.

As a sales representative

I belong to the sales department. The sales staff not only serve as a point of contact with customers, but also play a role in connecting them with various departments of our company.
The project that I am introducing here is one of our largest projects, which took two and a half years from the time we receive an inquiry from a customer to the completion of a series of processes, including submission of the quotation, conclusion of the contract, the design and manufacture of the equipment, and delivery coordination.

As sales department, it was very difficult to reach a point where we could receive an order of this large-scale project since there were other companies in the same industry. I think if we hadn’t had a strong continuous relationship of trust between the customer and us, we wouldn’t have secured the order. I suppose that the customer checked all aspects of our capabilities such as planning, engineering, manufacturing, adjustment, and response. There may have been some twists and turns until we received the order, but I believe that having built a trust relationship with the customer over 20 years enabled us to get the order.

By the end of the project, the number of business cards I had received from customers and other involved was enormous. Working on the project for two and a half years, I had a valuable experience of feeling like a member of the community to complete the same project, regardless of the position of a customer or manufacturer.
It was a very emotional project for me, since I found it extremely rewarding and felt a sense of accomplishment that I had never experienced before.

Department Manager
Sales Department

As a person in charge of planning and design

I am in charge of planning and design in the Engineering Division. The job of Planning & Design Section is to meet with customers who have made an inquiry, conduct preliminary research, and create drawings and specifications from scratch. When I received the inquiry for this project, I immediately understood that the equipment was highly expensive and challenging. So, I remember that I got excited when I was assigned to it.

Compared to other projects, this project required a large number of equipment, which made it easy for me to imagine how high the volume of technical studies and documents would be. Comparing the number of documents between the normal machine and this project, the specification sheet is usually 35 pages, while in this project it was 60 pages, and the preliminary investigation items are usually 40 items (25 pages), while in this project they were 100 items (120 pages), both of which were enormous. In the three months between the inquiry and the order, we repeated the submission and revision process seven times.

In revising the huge amount of preliminary research items and specifications, I tried to create documents in such a way that not only the person who created the document but also the client and members of other departments could immediately understand the revised parts. To shorten the time required for submitting revisions after the meeting, we made full use of spreadsheet software to improve work efficiency.

Since this was a large-scale project, we discussed the layout and specifications with the actual design staff in advance, and closely coordinated with the manufacturing staff on installation methods, etc. Once the order was accepted, we worked together with the sales staff to ensure a smooth start of work in the relevant departments.

The Planning and Design staff worked together to ensure that deadlines for submitting materials requested by the client were met. I took great care in preparing materials and dealing with customers, keeping in mind that no orders should be lost due to inadequacies in the Planning and Design section.
It was a very enjoyable job, and the joy I felt when I successfully received the order still remains in my mind.

Chief Section Manager
Planning & Design Section

As a coordinator for machine design

I was appointed as a member of this large-scale project and was able to experience various things. The fact that this project took more than two years from the start to its completion indicates how large the machine was for our company. As for myself, I feel that my technical and interpersonal skills have improved, in many senses.

I participated as a coordinator for mechanical design from the kick-off meeting to the final commissioning operation check. Although I was not directly involved in the detail design work, I was involved as its manager. Several companies gathered for meetings to finalize specifications. However, because it was large-scale project and had highly difficult specifications, various opinions flew around when deciding on a single specification, and it was often difficult to reach a decision. We had many meetings and discussed until we were both satisfied, moving forward little by little. Gradually, we became able to exchange views with the people involved, beyond the company boundaries. We became able to discuss any technical aspects of the project. Although we were scolded sometime, we also received suggestions for various ideas and learned a lot.

Despite the large equipment, the final commissioning adjustments proceeded very smoothly and were completed. Thanks to the efforts of all the members, we could meet the contracted delivery date. The final meeting was a large one attended by dozens of people. The moment the inspection was completed, we took a commemorative photo, and it felt like my previous experience and what I had considered common sense were once again overturned. (Because we usually end with the signing of the commissioning completion form, and there is no commemorative photo.)

Also, the smiles on the customers’ faces were unforgettably good. I am sure it was because we had been working together for more than two years, sharing hardships and joys, toward a single goal. I think this is one of the best parts of our made-to-order production.

At the end, the client invited us to dinner to celebrate the successful completion of the project, and we had the opportunity to congratulate and thank each other for the job well done, which was a very good memory.

Senior Manager
Mechanical Engineering Department

Please feel free to contact us for consultations and estimates.
